Whenever you replenish from your discard pile, you may replenish from your discard pile one more time. If you have more than one Tavern in play, you decide whether to transfer cards for each Tavern you have in play.
Japanese: 酒場 • Rōmaji: Sakaba
あなたが廃棄から補充を行った場合、 廃棄からの補充をもう1回行ってよい。 あなたの酒場が複数ある場合は、それぞれの酒場について補充をするかしないか別途に決めてよい。
Card No. 187 • Illustration Kyoto Animation
Tavern (酒場, Sakaba) is a Facilities type Genso Suikoden Card Stories card. It is part of Booster Pack Vol.1 and is numbered 187.
Release Information
This card was later re-released, with minor artwork and text changes, as CS2-633/R187 in the To the Promised Land expansion.