Ten unique games in the Suikoden series are set in the same world, in various locations and times in its history. A further three titles explore the multiverse known as the Infinity.
These worlds all hold a host of countries, regions, settlements, and natural features for the player to explore.
The core of the Holy Empire of Ionia, and its political and culture center, the Holy City of Thaksis administers the entire empire, allocating resources as needed. Soldiers and officials from Thaksis were especially highly regarded for their talents.
It is an immense city, far larger than any other in all the land. With beautiful architecture and many trees lining the streets, the people of Thaksis were immensely proud, if a touch snobbish, about their home. The enormous Yggdrasilian Palace dominated the city's skyline. (more...)
The Infinity is described as the infinite number of parallel worlds that exist in the overall cosmology. The worlds can both be extremely similar when compared to one another or incredibly disparate. Overall, there can be said to be no universal recurring element. (more...)