Featured Articles
If you have ideas or suggestions for Featured Articles, feel free to make them here.
Currently, we add a new Featured Article every 2 weeks or so, and have a rotation of two character articles followed by a non-character article. Characters are the most numerous article type and are popular, hence the schedule.
Also being considering upping the Featured Article rate from fortnightly to weekly. Let me know what you think about that. --Admin (talk) 11:57, 16 March 2015 (EDT)
Future Featured Articles
If no-one objects, the Featured Article for 20 March - 3 April will be an expanded and updated version of the Alchemy article. After that, I'm thinking of making Nash Latkje the featured article for 3 April - 17 April, thanks to Antimtzist's efforts in adding Suikogaiden information to articles.
After that, likely a Suikoden IV character. Flare has been adding Keen's confessions to the pages and we haven't featured any Suikoden IV articles yet. Any suggestions for who? --Admin (talk) 11:57, 16 March 2015 (EDT)