108 Stars Guide

Luckily in Suikoden: Woven Web of the Centuries, there is no hard time limit on meeting the 108 Stars of Destiny. The game has a point of no return right before the very end, and will warn you as such with a big warning message. Before that, you are free to meet Starbearers whenever you’re able to, without fear of losing access for good. Phew!

Stars that teach your party members skills will always favor one member over the other if both are in your party. In this guide, the favored party member will be listed first. If you want the other party member to learn from a Starbearer instead, leave the favored party member behind, or temporarily send them to your reserves.

For your recruits that produce “stock” (e.g. magicite, malicite, arrows, and medicine), you likely want an even spread of abilities between them. Each producer has two production slots, so loading one character with all the medicine options will leave the other out in the cold, and you short on options.

This can also apply to battle characters, depending on your play style. If you plan on using everyone, spread those skills around and let your party members teach each other. If you’re sticking with a set party, you may prefer to load those members up with skills and ignore the others. That’s your choice.

Workshop characters and cooks do not receive any benefit from having their skills spread out, so you may use whoever you wish to learn those skills from Starbearers.

001HeroBegin the game :pAutomatically joins at Fortress Ruins (Present)
002MyraStoryAutomatically joins at Fortress Ruins (Present)
003ThorwadStoryAutomatically joins at Lake Fortress (100 Years Ago)Hero
004GinoStoryAutomatically joins at Lake Fortress (Present)
005LulusaStoryAutomatically joins at Lake Fortress (Present)
006IliaStoryAutomatically joins at Therbe Village (Present)
007DucasStoryAutomatically joins at Schradt (Present)
008GerelMeet Rolf at Lake Fortress (100 Years Ago)Talk to Gerel on the west side of Lake Fortress (100 Years Ago)Lulusa
009RolfStoryApprentice Myra to Rolf at Lucille Plains (100 Years Ago) or later at Lake Fortress (100 Years Ago)Myra
010MuiStoryApprentice Ilia to Mui at Lucille Plains (100 Years Ago)Ilia
011NidoStoryAutomatically joins at Schradt (Present)
012NoderryStoryAutomatically joins at Ralos Woods (Present)
013BoldonStoryAutomatically joins at Mt. Orosk (Present)
014Pollock1. Learned from Mui
2. Clear Mountain Cave (Present)
3. Talk to Mui at Lucille Plains (100 Years Ago)
Talk to Pollock at Mt. Orosk (100 Years Ago) twice and agree to help him find the herbs he needs. The herbs are located on the mountain.Nido
015BjornStoryAutomatically joins at Orosk Village (Present)
016JudielaStoryAutomatically joins at Epat Bridge (Present)
017MeameiStoryAutomatically joins at Ralos Woods (Present)
018Ingolf1. Learned from Rolf
2. Meamei has joined
3. Talk to Rolf at Lake Fortress (100 Years Ago)
Talk to Ingolf at Ralos Woods (100 Years Ago), then Lucille Plains (100 Years Ago), and finally Ralos Woods (100 Years Ago) once againGino
019BadamhatanStoryApprentice Ducas to Badamhatan at Wyvern’s Nest (100 Years Ago)Ducas
020Yofeurs1. Travel to FairpeakSpeak to Yofeurs at Wyvern’s Nest (100 Years Ago)Cadmus
021HeidrakeStoryApprentice Boldon to Heidrake at Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago)Boldon
022LuseriStoryAutomatically joins at Mt. Hioni (Present)
023Kookaburra1. Have access to the Glacial Cave (Present)With Meamei in the party, activate all four wall switches on the first floor of the Glacial Cave and examine the item located beyond the glowing door on the same floorMeamei
024NajinStoryAutomatically joins at Fairpeak (Present)
025Tarascio1. Received item Tarascio’s Meat Complete from NajinEnter the Kitchen at your Headquarters.

Note: The game has dialogue from Numistro receiving the book but this is not possible in a normal game due to story events.
026UtzeStoryAutomatically joins at Melisma Prairie (Present)
027RegiusStoryAutomatically joins at West Mt. Hioni (Present)
028OuyaStoryAutomatically joins at Gugleion (Present)
029BhutrugaStoryAutomatically joins at Gugleion (Present)
030Dagzuma1. Learned from Badamhatan
2. Visited Gugleion
3. Speak to Badamhatan at Wyvern’s Nest (100 Years Ago)
Talk to Dagzuma at Melisma Prairie (100 Years Ago) then find the Cryolite she needs on B1F (3) in Glacial Cave (Present) and bring it back to her.Judiela
031Beaga1. Learned from Heidrake
2. Told about the great featherfolk hunter of the past from the store keeper in Gugleion
3. Talk to Heidrake at Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago)
With Luseri in your party, talk to Beaga at West Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago). Get 10x White Tiger Meat from the White Tigers that spawn, then speak to him again.

Note: The White Tigers do not spawn until you agree to Beaga’s request.
032ScharffStoryAutomatically joins at Tourmarie (Present)
033Olmar1. Learned from Beaga
2. Defeat the Teras Camier Ta
3. Talk to the store keeper in Gugleion about the friend of the featherfolk
4. Talk to Beaga at West Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago)
Talk to Beaga in Sidas Forest (100 Years Ago) before returning to that same spot in Sidas Forest (Present)Najin
034TserendrumStoryAutomatically joins at Martylion Wastes (Present)
035Mudogara1. Learned from Beaga
2. Passed through the Martylion Wastes
3. Talk to the store keeper in Gugleion about the teacher of the featherfolk
4. Talk to Beaga at West Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago)
With Regius in your party, talk to Mudogara at Tourmarie (100 Years Ago)Regius
036MoudiStoryAutomatically joins at Hodos Village (Present)
037WafdiStoryTalk to Wafdi at Hodos Village (100 Years Ago) after completing his requestOuya
038Mezwar1. Learned from Wafdi
2. Moudi has joined
Talk to Wafdi at Hodos Village (100 Years Ago). With Moudi in the party, return to Hodos Village (Present) and visit Moudi’s house in the southwest.Moudi
039Kauriya1. Have access in the Underground Ruins with the Burning and Frozen ShardsExamine the spell glyph located in the Underground Ruins (Present).Zaveed
040CadmusStoryAutomatically joins at Forsaken Martylion (Present)
041ErmioneStoryAutomatically joins at Perie Grove (Present)
042BereniqueStoryApprentice Myra to Berenique at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago)Myra
043WarrgStoryApprentice Ducas or Ermione to Warrg at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago)Ducas
044ForneStoryAutomatically joins at Former Fortress (Present)
045Rujin1. Forne has joinedTalk to Rujin twice at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago)Najin
046Suomjin1. Forne has joined At Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago), talk to Sumojin, then Chamjin, then Suomjin, then Chamjin, then max out the W.Lv on a piece of armor at Headquarters, then speak to Suomjin againCadmus
047Chamjin1. Learned from SuomjinTalk to Chamjin at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago)

Note: Different dialogue for Nido exists if Ilia is in your party or not
048Mazarika1. Learned from Berenique
2. Rujin is present at Dios Fortresss (100 Years Ago)
3. Speak with Berenique
Talk to Mazarika at Perie Grove (100 Years Ago) and answer “No, not at all.” to her questionHero
049Nima1. Learned from MazarikaSpeak to Nima at Perie Grove (100 Years Ago)Bjorn
050Sorab1. Learned from Rujin
2. Cleared Apiro Hills (Present)
3. Speak with Rujin
With Meamei in your party, and having learned Kookaburra’s skill, talk to Sorab in Apiro Hills (100 Years Ago). Return after 3 in-game days and speak to him againMeamei
051Beltha1. Learned from SorabSpeak to Beltha at Apiro Hills (100 Years Ago)Boldon
052SunilStoryAutomatically joins at Apiro Desert (Present)
053GonbosrenStoryAutomatically joins at Behemoth Grave (Present)
054TrimalchioStoryAutomatically learned from at Behemoth Grave (Present)
055ZephonStoryAutomatically joins at Apiro Desert (Present)
056Astrid1. Zephon has joinedWith Myra in the party, speak to Astrid at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)

Note: Zephon will refuse to interact with Astrid
057Sau Jin1. Learned from AstridSpeak to Sau Jin at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago), then uncover his slate at Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago)Judiela
058Sou Jin1. Learned from Sau JinSpeak to Sou Jin at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago). Return after 3 in-game days, speak with him again then uncover his slate at Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago) Najin
059Suu Jin1. Learned from Sau Jin Speak to Suu Jin at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago). Examine the dried-up river bed in Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago). Recover the hammer at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago) and then uncover her slate at Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago) Cadmus
060NelvanStoryTalk to Nelvan at Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago) following your introduction and lecture from him.Forne
061Gose1. Learned from NelvanSpeak with Warrg at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago). Examine the wall carving on the fortress’ east side at Former Fortress (Present).Lulusa
062Ketil1. Learned from Sau Jin
2. Talked to Nelvan
3. Talk to Sau Jin
Talk to Odo and Kiaro at Dios Fortress (200 Years Ago) and then Kiaro alone at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago). Finally return to Headquarters and speak to your armorer of choice.Judiela
063Odo1. Talked to Kiaro at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago) about KetilTalk to Odo at Dios Fortress (200 Years Ago)Nido
064Kiaro1. Learned from OdoTalk to Kiaro at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)Ilia
065GuillerigaStoryJoins automatically at Bayan Oasis (Present)
066EphilStoryAgree to buy Ephil’s arrow for 5,000 potch. If you refuse or can’t afford it, she will wait in Sunil’s Bayan Oasis home until you do.
067Kersius1. Access Peft RuinsExamine the items on the western side of Peft Ruins (2)Regius
068Jandak1. Meet Quinelia in Achlites
2. Learned from Gerel and Gose
Speak to Jandak at the eastern side of Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)Lulusa
069LaskarisStoryJoins automatically at Achlites (Present)
070RistilStoryJoins automatically at Achlites (Present)
071Yaguas1. Laskaris has joinedWith Laskaris in your party, speak with Yaguas at the Apiro Desert (100 Years Ago)Laskaris
072ZaveedStoryJoins automatically at Great Wall of Achlites (Present)
073JagwanStoryJoins automatically at Riolta Plains (Present)
074Siu Jin1. Learned from Odo
2. Cleared Mt. Plegate (Present)
3. Speak with Siu Jin and Hugues
Speak with Siu Jin at Apiro Desert (200 Years Ago)Nido
075Radnin1. Learned from Astrid
2. Cleared Mt. Plegate (Present)
With Jagwan in your party, speak with Radnin at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)Jagwan
076NumistroStoryJoins automatically at Achlites (Present)
077Rodric1. Learned from Siu Jin and Olmar
2. Talk to Seu Jin at Apiro Desert (200 Years Ago)
3. Talk to Siu Jin and Hugues
With Luseri in your party, talk to Rodric at Sidas Forest (200 Years Ago)

Note: Rodric will refuse to work with Laskaris
078Hugues1. Learned from Astrid
2. Cleared House of Wisdom
3. Talk to Siu Jin and Hugues
With Ducas or Ermione in your party, talk to Hugues at Apiro Desert (200 Years Ago)

Note: Ermione’s responses change based on her friendship levels
079Mephitis1. Learned from Suomjin
2. Cleared House of Wisdom
3. Talk to Suomjin at Dios Fortress (100 Years Ago)
Talk to Suomjin and Mephitis at Riolta Plains (100 Years Ago). Bring back the Contaminated Water found on the western side.Ouya
080Ufred1. Learned from Odo
2. Cleared House of Wisdom
3. Talk to Odo at Dios Fortress (200 Years Ago)
With Boldon or Jagwan in your party, talk with Ufred at Hodos Village (200 Years Ago)Boldon
081Seu Jin1. Learned from RodricTalk with Seu Jin at Apiro Desert (200 Years Ago) then find his stone slate at Behemoth Grave (100 Years Ago)Ouya
082Laquila1. Learned from Seu Jin
2. Have access to Apiro Hills and Perie Grove (100 Years Ago)
3. Talk to Seu Jin
Talk with Laquila and Cleion at Apiro Hills (200 Years Ago), then Cleion alone. Talk to Lethe and Nikumba at Perie Grove (200 Years Ago). Talk to Laquila again. Then talk to Lethe and Nikumba again. Then talk to Laquila one final time.Gino
083Lethe1. Learned from LaquilaWith Zephon in your party, talk to Lethe in Perie Grove (200 Years Ago)Zephon
084Nikumba1. Learned from LetheTalk to Nikumba in Perie Grove (200 Years Ago) Utze
085Cleion1. Learned from LaquilaWith a jongleur in your party, talk to Cleion at Apiro Hills (200 Years Ago). Then speak to him with Zephon in your party. Then finally speak to him with your jongleur again.Meamei
086Narishuya1. Learned from Nikumba and Lethe
2. Have access to West Mt. Hioni (100 Years Ago)
3. Have spoken to Yuyudraya at Dios Fortress (200 Years Ago)
4. Speak with Nikumba
With Bhutruga or Zaveed in your party, speak to Nikumba at the hut in far west West Mt. Hioni (200 Years Ago)Zaveed
087Peljid1. Learned from RadninSpeak to Radnin at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago) then speak with Peljid in the eastern part of the areaDucas
088Fridika1. Learned from Mudogara and PeljidAttempt to exit Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago) from the east by foot with Regius in your partyRegius
089Enhebat1. Learned from PeljidSpeak with Peljid, then speak with the scalehorde at Behemoth Grave (Present) and return to the armory at HeadquartersCadmus
090Syldis1. Learned from Astrid
2. Have access to Riolta Plains (100 Years Ago)
3. Cleared House of Wisdom
4. Talk to Astrid and Maximus at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)
Speak with Syldis and Nolbanos at Riolta Plains (200 Years Ago)Hero
091Satiyaka1. Learned from Narishuya and FridikaSpeak with Satiyaka near Narishuya’s hut at West Mt. Hioni (200 Years Ago)Regius
092Nolbanos1. Learned from SyldisSpeak with Nolbanos with Myra, Ilia, Luseri, and Ermione in your party at Riolta Plains (200 Years Ago)Forne
093JansenStoryJoins automatically at Nabarre East Coast (Present)
094GuwainiStoryJoins automatically at Schradt (Present)
095Myriel1. Guwaini has joinedTalk to Myriel at Nabarre East Coast (200 Years Ago)Bjorn
096Amory1. Guwaini has joinedTalk to Amory at Nabarre East Coast (200 Years Ago)

Note: Amory will refuse to work with Ilia
097Chikura1. Learned from Mudogara
2. Guwaini has joined
3. Talk to Mudogara in Tourmarie (100 Years Ago)
Speak with Chikura and Mudogara at Martylion Wastes (100 Years Ago)Utze
098Neisa1. Learned from Mezwar and Rodric
2. Guwaini has joined
3. Talk to Rodric in Sidas Forest (200 Years Ago)
Visit Neisa’s hut at Melisia Prairie (200 Years Ago), then speak with Dagzuma at Melisia Prairie (100 Years Ago) Najin
099Diriri1. Learned from Astrid
2. Have access to Tourmarie (100 Years Ago)
3. Guwaini has joined
4. Talk to Astrid at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago) with a featherfolk in your party
With Meamei in your party, speak with Diriri at her hut in Tourmarie (200 Years Ago)Meamei
100Yowinn1. Learned from Rodric
2. Have access to Martylion Wastes (100 Years Ago)
3. Speak with Rodric in Sidas Forest (200 Years Ago)
Speak with Rodric in Martylion Wastes (200 Years Ago), then speak with Wafdi at Hodos Village (100 Years Ago)Ouya
101Wan1. Learned from Chikura
2. Guwaini has joined
3. Talk to Chikura at Martylion Wastes (100 Years Ago)
With Bhutruga in your party, speak with Wan and Irin at Southern Highway (100 Years Ago)Bhutruga
102Irin1. Learned from Chikura
2. Guwaini has joined
3. Talk to Chikura at Martylion Wastes (100 Years Ago)
With Bhutruga in your party, speak with Wan and Irin at Southern Highway (100 Years Ago) Guwaini
103Moslomas1. Learned from Jandak
2. Have access to Southern Highway (100 Years Ago)
3. Speak to Jandak at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago)
With Laskaris in your party, speak with Numa at Southern Highway (200 Years Ago). Defeat the fixed Sagittarius enemy at the southeast exit. Travel to Achlites (Present) and visit the 2nd Branch HQLaskaris
104Numa1. Learned from MoslomasSpeak with Numa at Southern Highway (200 Years Ago)Lulusa
105Yuyudraya1. Learned from Sau Jin
2. Spoken with Thorwad after clearing Tower of Zoe
Speak with Yuyudraya at Dios Fortress (200 Years Ago) with the hero, then speak to her again with either Bhutruga or Zaveed in the partyZaveed
106Domitia1. Learned from Narishuya
2. Spoken with Thorwad after clearing Tower of Zoe
Speak with Domitia at Narishuya’s hut in West Mt. Hioni (200 Years Ago), after creating samples of all 5 available malicite typesUtze
107Hortensius1. Learned from Domitia
2. Speak to Domitia at West Mt. Hioni (200 Years Ago)
Speak to Hortensius at Mt. Hioni (200 Years Ago). Bring him 10x Black Thigh Meat, 10x Mottled Rib Meat, and 10x Red Breast Meat. Pass 10 in-game days, then return.Bjorn
108Maximus1. Learned from Syldis
2. Spoken with Astrid after clearing Tower of Zoe
Speak to Maximus at Zephtelos Fortress (200 Years Ago). Add Zephon to your party, and speak to him again at Apiro Desert (200 Years Ago)Hero